Extended Leadership Roles: How can we make the whole more than the sum of its parts?

A report following the Applied Leadership Seminar Extended roles and systems leadership, Nottingham, 4th – 5th December 2012

This 24 hour seminar was held in response to a specific demand from the children’s services  sector to spend some time considering the implications of the extended roles that a  significant number of Directors of Children’s Services now have; typically also taking  on responsibilities for adult social services although a variety of models is emerging. This was the first opportunity provided by the Virtual Staff College to focus on the changing  structures within, and increasing diversity between, local authorities. With a third of DCSs now taking on extended or dual roles, it was considered timely to reflect on whether it is the configuration of departments or the strategic links between services that make the difference in the quality and impact of service delivery, and how the DCS role, however configured, can be used to best effect.

The aim of the seminar was to provide a safe learning space in order to:

  • help participants to consider the appropriate balance within their role, and the links between areas of practice that support improved outcomes
  • explore Mark Moore’s model of the strategic triangle as it relates to the broader role, the wider public value proposition, the more complex authorising environment and making the most of the extended operating capacity
  • equip participants to use this knowledge to create positive change in themselves and their organisations.

Download the full report below.

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